PETR JASEK: Imprisoned With ISIS
In 2015, Petr Jasek traveled to Khartoum, Sudan, to meet with pastors and other Christians to evaluate how The Voice of the Martyrs—a ministry Petr has served with since 2002—could help and encourage persecuted Sudanese believers.
Petr was arrested at the airport on his way out of the country, charged with espionage and other crimes and sentenced to life in prison before the Czech government negotiated his release.
The story of Petr’s imprisonment—and the ministry God allowed him inside—is told in a brand new book, Imprisoned with ISIS: Faith in the Face of Evil. You’ll receive a copy of this outstanding book for free when you make a donation to VOM here.
Listen as Petr shares his story and updates listeners on his current ministry around the world.
Petr first told his story to VOM Radio listeners just nine days after his release. You can hear that conversation—recorded in Prague—here.
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