Out of This World Week 4 | God's Big Backyard (Preschool)
BIBLE STORY: Catching Fish (Luke 5:1-10)
REMEMBER THIS: “Everyone who heard him was amazed.” Luke 2:47, NIV
SAY THIS: Who is amazing? Jesus is amazing.
Bowl, rice or beans or water, and plastic cups Alternately, this activity can be done in the bathtub.
Fill the bowl with about two inches of beans, rice, or water. Gather around the bowl and fill up a cup with rice or beans. Ask your child if the cup is full or empty. Dump out the contents of the cup and ask again if it’s full or empty. Encourage your child to fill and empty cups and identifying if they are full or empty.
Say, “Let’s play Full or Empty! (Fill the cup and hold it up.) Is this full or empty? (Pause.) That’s right, it’s full. (Pour out the rice/beans.) What about now, full or empty? (Pause.) Yes, it’s empty! Let’s practice making our cups full or empty.
“In our Bible story today, a fisherman named Peter had been out fishing all night. Were his nets full or empty? That’s right, they were empty. Then, Jesus told him to put out his nets again. What happened? Were the nets full or empty? Yes, they were full! They caught so many fish that their nets started breaking! They even had to get another boat. They had two boats full of fish. Everyone was amazed. No one but the out-of-this-world amazing Jesus could do that! Who is amazing? Jesus is amazing.”
“Dear God, Jesus really is amazing! He did so many amazing things while He was on Earth, so we know that He is Your Son. And, the thought that Jesus is alive today and wants to be our friend forever is the best news ever! Thank You, God! In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
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