Onething 2018 - Session 10
#IHOPKC #onething
Onething 2018 Session 10 -- Full Live Session
24/7 Worship and Prayer Livestream:
The International House of Prayer (IHOPKC), founded by Mike Bickle, Misty Edwards, and twenty full-time intercessory missionaries, has been crying out to God in prayer with worship since September 19, 1999. More:
In a conference that carries the name Onething, it was great to see thousands of people pursue the one thing together—slowing down to worship Jesus above all else. Instead of having speakers or a panel discussion, the afternoon session was spent simply in worship, sitting at Jesus’ feet and communing with Him. In a world of busy, this was sacred space to be with our King. Altars filled with hungry worshipers, and prayers arose corporately, individually, and in small groups, offering a little taste of heaven.