New Life Church | Daily Devo - Rick Hutchinson
Today, Rick Hutchinson talks about his favorite movie, "Hook," because of the storyline of redemption, the movie score, the great acting, and everything about this movie! Peter finally remembered his identity, who he is, and that he can defeat the enemy. Likely, we know who we are as children of God, but then we grow up and forget. We see God move in incredible ways in our lives, but then life happens and we forget. And then we relearn it. It takes us just a moment to remember who we are and who we belong to, and that changes everything! There is power in remembering the past, and remembering where God has been faithful in our lives.
Isaiah 43:1-3
Have you forgotten that God, the Lord of all creation, wants the best for you?
Remember this morning who you are and who you belong to, so that you can move forward in victory and confidence today.