New Life Church | Daily Devo - Brandon Cotton
Today, Pastor Brandon talks about the story in Exodus 17 where Joshua battled against the Amalekites. When Moses' arms were held up, the Israelites were winning, but when Moses' arms were tired and fell, the Israelites would start losing the battle. Sometimes God will call you to be the person to hold someone else's arms up, but other times the Lord will have others hold your arms up. But your highest calling is to Jesus, so take a step in following Him every day. Secondly, be aware of when American corporate world bleeds into your life; you don't have to climb over people to get to the top! Christians aren't on a ladder but are all part of the same Body! Your role and calling as you support somebody else is okay! Do it well. Lastly, every day when you wake up, ask God what He's got on your plate, then do whatever is on your plate for today.
Exodus 17:8-16
What is God putting on your plate to do today?
Follow Jesus every day, do what He's put on your plate, and He will lead you to a place of peace.