NFL Vax: Antonio Brown Is No Aaron Rodgers | Senator Ron Johnson Defends Waukesha Comments | Ep 104
Senator Ron Johnson appears on the show to defend his comments about not politicizing the Waukesha parade massacre. Does Whitlock stand behind his column from Monday criticizing the Senator? What do Jason and “Fearless” contributor Steve Kim think about Antonio Brown’s fake vaccination card? Is Brown’s punishment unfair compared to that of Aaron Rodgers? “Hate Crime Hoax” author Wilfred Reilly gives the latest on the Jussie Smollett case and analyzes the collegiate racial controversies at Fordham University and Coastal Carolina University. “Fearless” columnist Delano Squires gives the scoop on his Twitter battle with race-baiter Brittney Cooper. Plus, Uncle Jimmy and Jason mix humor into their analysis of Coach Deion Sanders’ decision to have Instagram model Brittany Renner inspire his Jackson State team.
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