My Tips for Bible Teachers
Tips on how to prepare a message, how to maximize your gifting, good software to use to make your study time more efficient, how to think about failures, how to stay true to the Bible, how to process insecurities and nervousness, how to avoid pitfalls of pride, and much more.
Free, and very useful, Bible study resources
- NetBible has good insights into textual issues and some stuff commentaries often skip.
- BlueLetterBible has tons of free commentaries and helps. I wish it had been around when I first started teaching.
Paid Bible software.
- Here's the link for a discount on Logos software. Make sure to use the coupon code BIBLETHINKER8 at checkout. This is an affiliate link but it actually costs you less. You may see if your institution/school has a better discount as well. After looking into it more I would not go with the Baptist package as it is missing important language resources and some other stuff. Also, I hear Accordance is a great software as well (and especially for Mac users) though I don’t have personal experience with it. Just be warned that Logos has plenty of liberal resources so you will need to vet your own reading thoughtfully
This ministry is supported by donations. I don't ever want you to feel pressured to give or to give more than is wise for them. The point here is that those who can joyfully support this ministry are making it possible for everyone else to be blessed with free content.
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