Men Can Stop Sex Trafficking
Human trafficking of girls and young women in the sex trade is a major human rights problem in Canada; and one, entirely funded by the men who purchase sexual services. Because it’s a man’s issue, SIM is calling on men to end this violence. As part of our YES Initiative, we are excited to introduce Men Ending Trafficking.
Men Ending Trafficking is led by a taskforce that will educate and mobilize the men of the church in the GTA, to stand against commercial sexual exploitation, in all it’s forms. Together, we will work with community leaders, law enforcement, educators and the general public, to help end human trafficking in Canada.
For More Information:
Featured Guests
John Cassells - Street Youth Specialist, SIM Canada
For More Information on John:
Richard Hawkins - Media Specialist, Volunteer for “Men Ending Trafficking”
Jermaine Wall - Entrepreneur, Volunteer for “Men Ending Trafficking”