Man, A Slave
What is humanity’s problem? What is it about people and the world that accounts for all the ills and trials of human life? The question is present all through human history, yet modern humanity has no answer. In this sermon on Jeremiah 2:14–17 titled “Man, A Slave,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches the biblical truth that each person’s problem is that they have fallen from original righteousness and purity into sin and despair. All are slaves to sin and twisted desires. Scripture tells us that no one is evolving toward a better future, but rather are getting worse. What then is the answer to this seemingly hopeless state? The answer is found in God’s infinite grace given in Jesus Christ. While it is true that humanity can do nothing to help themselves, the gospel is the message that God has acted for humanity. God has sent His Son to die upon the cross as the ultimate price for sin and peace. All who believe in Jesus are freed from sin and made children of God, righteous inheritors of the new heavens and earth. There is no other response to the gospel than to repent of all sins and come to Jesus who calls all to enteral life in His death.