MARK 2: The Authority and Divinity of Jesus Christ | Illustrated Bible | CEV Bible (2/16)
Jesus Christ heals a paralyzed man whose friends lower him through the roof of a house due to the crowd, showcasing Jesus' authority to forgive sins. The religious leaders question this authority, but Jesus responds with a statement about His divine role. Later, Jesus calls Levi (also known as Matthew) the tax collector to be one of His disciples. This leads to a meal at Levi's house where Jesus dines with tax collectors and sinners. The Pharisees question Jesus' choice of company, but He replies that He came for the sick, not the healthy.
The chapter also covers a debate about fasting, where Jesus uses the analogy of old and new wineskins. Finally, on a Sabbath, Jesus and His disciples pick grain from a field, leading to a confrontation with the Pharisees about observing the Sabbath. Jesus declares that the "Son of Man" is the Lord of the Sabbath, emphasizing His authority over religious traditions.
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