Locked Down
Even when there are drastic changes to our plans and unexpected restrictions on our freedoms, we must purpose with the Apostle Paul to creatively make the most of every situation to the glory of God.
Application Questions
These questions are provided for your further study and application of the sermon. Thoughtfully writing out the answers to these
questions will help to drive home the point of the study. It is also helpful when you are able to discuss your answers with others.
1. Read 3 John 13-15. What is it about face-to-face interaction with God’s people that you have come to more
deeply value and appreciate because of this current lockdown?
2. Read Philippians 2:19. Even though Paul and John (and the other Apostles) greatly preferred face-to-face engagement with God’s people, their beloved brothers and sisters in Christ were “cheered,” to say the least, by their efforts to take advantage of the available means of communication. What would you say to a Christian who has grown weary of our available means of communication during this lockdown?
3. Read Philippians 1:3-4. Paul clearly chose to cultivate joy even during his lockdown, especially as he focused on praying for his fellow Christians. How can prayer for fellow church members bring you joy? Describe the kinds of specific requests and thanksgivings that cultivate joy in your heart.
4. Read Philippians 1:12-14. Paul’s confidence in God’s good plan, that strangely involved him being locked down (even though he yearned to be free to visit with and minister to the Philippians in person), was derived in large part by him considering the ways God was accomplishing his good purposes through this “disruption of his plans.” What specific things do you see God accomplishing that are clearly advancing his good purposes evenmin the midst of our current lockdown?