Living Missionally in a Local Context
Dr. Darrell Bock and Alan Hirsch discuss the missional church, focusing on the need for change and strategies for cultural engagement.
00:14 Why does the church need to change?
03:55 An international perspective on the trajectory of the American church
08:22 How can the church change without abandoning what is important?
11:39 Elements of sociological movements and the distinctive of the church: "The Jesus Vibe"
18:39 How is making disciples more than attending church and mastering content?
23:30 What does "church follows mission" mean in the context of cultural engagement?
28:21 Contrasting the sociological context of the Reformers with contemporary culture
31:29 How does Ephesians 4:7-11 relate to the idea of "apostolic environment?"
38:59 Activating the powerful, yet latent, potential of the church
43:46 How does the church need to change the way we communicate with society?
50:50 How can church leaders become students of culture?
54:02 The importance of media in identifying the yearnings of a society
57:02 Conclusions on assessing the church and making changes