Life of Christ Day 53 Devo | The Paganism of Worry
Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?—Matthew 6:27
Summary: Marc asks a hard question for some of us today: “How does your anxiety and worry affect those around you?” We live in a world that is consumed with anxiety, so if we show the same anxiety that the world around us does, what's the basis of our faith?
The paganism of our worry could be screaming so loudly in the faces of those around us that others cannot interact with or come to a knowledge of the true God of the universe.
Therefore, don’t worry! God has you, so choose to be people who are following Him—not characterized by anxiety and worry, but truly submitted to the God of the universe, trusting Him even in the darkest moments.
Question: Is your worry hindering others from trusting God, from having faith in Him?
Family Chat: Does anything bother you that makes you feel afraid sometimes? How do you think you can trust God in this?
Take Action: Dare to ask people you work with, “How are you experiencing me? Do I worry or carry anxiety?”