Letting Go of Normal | Steven Furtick
What if holding on to “normal” is holding you back?
In “Letting Go of Normal,” Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church turns to the familiar story of the Israelites as they leave Egypt after years of slavery. They are stepping out of a season that had become normal to them. But sometimes, we have to step out of normal to walk into what’s next.
This is an excerpt from “Looking Forward To Normal.” To watch the full message, click here: https://youtu.be/m2HIdMPs1vE
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Section Titles:
0:00 - Faith Looks Forward
1:56 - Has Never Enough Become Your Normal?
3:48 - Are You Depending On The Wrong Source? (Exodus 14, verses 10-11)
6:44 - Familiar Is Killing You
8:36 - You Have Never Been Normal
10:05 - Stop Going Back To That
11:54 - Craving What's Normal
13:20 - Don't Take It For Granted
14:50 - Let's Have A Funeral Right Now
Letting Go of Normal | Steven Furtick