Let's Start A Revolution!
❇ A message from Pastor Allen Jackson at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN - July 10, 2021 - Let's Start A Revolution!
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🔴 Chapters:
0:00 Let’s Start a Revolution
13:49 The Jesus Revolution (Matthew 10 verses 34-39)
15:27 Ruler of This Present Age (Luke 4 verses 5-7)
18:08 Expressions of “This Present Age” (2 Timothy 3 verses 1-5)
23:01 7 Perspectives of God’s Power
23:18 Creator
24:38 Judge of all the earth
25:08 Eternal
25:30 Omniscient
27:17 Omnipotent
28:12 Loves people
29:50 Unique
31:00 Jesus’ Kingdom, Frequently Dismissed (John 18 verses 33-37)
35:37 The World & The Kingdom of God
35:45 New Authority/Kingdom Ahead for This World (Matthew 6 verses 9-13, Matthew 19 verses 28-29, and Matthew 25 verse 31)
39:42 Current World Order Will End (1 Corinthians 7 verse 31, 1 John 2 verses 15-17, and Matthew 6 verses 19-20)
42:41 Current World Order Opposes God (2 Timothy 4 verse 10)
43:45 Kingdom of God
44:02 Born Again —Transformed from The Inside Out
47:12 God’s Power Expressed On Our Behalf (Ephesians 3 verses 20-21)
50:26 We Are Ambassadors On Assignment (2 Corinthians 5 verses 20-21)
56:47 Closing Prayer (Adopted from Ephesians 3 verses14-21)