Let Everything that has Breath, Praise the Lord
Worship isn’t something we’re supposed to do only once a week on Sundays. God created worship to soak into every area of our lives during every hour of every day.
Road Trip Radio | Week 5 | Track 150 | Psalm 150
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About Willow Creek:
Willow Creek is a church committed to loving everyone, always and extending the hope and grace of Jesus to our neighbors near and far. We invite you to attend a service at one of our campuses and get connected. Find the perfect place to volunteer, engage your family in our thriving kids and students programs, and grow in your faith. If you’re facing a difficult season, Willow Creek is also a safe place to get practical help. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here!
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#WillowCreek #Psalm150 #PraiseTheLord #ShawnWilliams #Shorts