Learn How Hope Is Enough with Lincoln Brewster, Andrew McCourt, & Curt Harlow
https://www.baysideline.com — What does it look like to have HOPE in your life? In this message, Andrew McCourt, Curt Harlow, and Lincoln Brewster all share about a hope that is enough — enough to celebrate, enough to trust, though to share and enough to leave a legacy. God has been busy with what you have been giving him. See how generosity can transform your life and how it’s transformed our church this past year.
Get involved in the MOTION campaign and see how radical generosity can transform your life and impact ministries around the globe: https://motion.baysideonline.com/
This video is presented to you by Bayside Church - with 7 locations around Sacramento, California - one of the largest and fastest growing churches in North America. Let us know how we can meet your needs at BaysideOnline.com
(Bayside Church) (Lincoln Brewster) (Curt Harlow) (Andrew McCourt) (Bayside Granite Bay) (Northern California Church) (Sacramento) (Granite Bay) (Roseville) (Hope) (Let Hope Rise) (Hope is enough) (Generosity) (Giving) (Tithing) (Blessings) (God) (Jesus) (Holy Spirit) (Trust) (Faith)