Kingdom Come: Let Your Light Shine | Steve Gillen
Pastor Steve Gillen teaches a message out of Matthew 5 verses 13-16. In times of struggle or uncertainty, we are sometimes tempted to hide from the light or to hide the light within us. We may
stop inviting. We may go into hiding. But when things are at their darkest, the light seems its brightest.
Worship Setlist:
Psalm 100 (He's Good) - Willow Worship
Do It Again - Elevation Worship
Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Thomas Obadiah Chisholm
I Will Trust You (Again and Again) - Willow Worship
Doxology - Thomas Ken
Recorded live at Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, IL.
Worship 0:00
Announcements 25:05
Message 30:25
Starkenbergs 37:20
Young boy helping elderly lady