Keller, Moore, and Duncan on the Non Negotiable Beliefs About Creation
When it comes to the origins of the universe, what essentials need to be affirmed for a view to be biblical?
Watch Tim Keller (founder of Redeemer Presbyterian Church and vice president of TGC), Russell Moore (president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and TGC Council member), and Ligon Duncan (chancellor and CEO of Reformed Theological Seminary and TGC Council member) tackle this controversial question in a new 12-minute roundtable video.
In this wide-ranging conversation, they discuss how the doctrine of creation makes sense of human dignity, racial equality, true peace and justice, purpose and meaning in life, and more. They also consider recent debates over the historicity of Adam and Eve.
Theological Triage and the Doctrine of Creation (Samuel Emadi)
Sinned in a Literal Adam, Raised in a Literal Christ (Tim Keller)
A Theology of Creation in 12 Points (Don Carson)
‘Is Genesis History?’: Revisiting an Age-Old Debate (Gavin Ortlund)
The Scopes Trial, Evolution, and the Age of the Earth (Thomas Kidd)