Judah Smith — VOUS Conference 2019: I Was Wrong
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Today, we've gotten so used to "agreeing to disagree" that it seems completely acceptable for no one to be 100% right or wrong. That it's just a matter of opinion. But if we can be honest, there are times when we're wrong, and admitting it helps us to grow spiritually and relationally.
For VOUS Conference 2019, Pastor Judah Smith’s “I Was Wrong” hit straight to the heart of the matter—there are certain things we say or do that we shouldn’t allow to exist in a gray zone. Whether by mistake or intention, we've all made errors.
Some of our wrongdoings can include misjudging someone based on the first impression, not following through with our word, or failing a friend. And we've all missed the mark set by God, having had the wrong understanding of him and what he wants from us.
Yet, whatever the area of failure, being able to admit our offenses will push us closer to the destiny God has for us. Just as the Bible tells us, by humbling ourselves and admitting our mistakes, we'll be exalted before God.