Jesus, the Cornerstone
God’s way of salvation is wholly opposed to humanistic and human-centered philosophy. The ancient Jews and Greeks rejected the gospel as it was taught by the apostles, and modern humanity rejects the gospel as it is proclaimed by the church. In this sermon titled “Jesus, the Cornerstone,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches how this is the devastating condition of the world. All unbelievers laugh and scoff at the ideas of the new birth, the resurrection, and the cross as a way of salvation. But as Acts 4:11 shows, the wisdom of God triumphs in the midst of the so-called wisdom of the world. Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the new city that is being made. This new city is one that is made up of all who trust and believe in the work of Christ on the cross. This is in opposition to the city of humanity built upon the foundations of sinful and fallen human reason that is wholly corrupted by sinful nature. Christians have nothing to fear from the enemies of God and can rest in the truth of who Christ is and what he has done. The Christian can be assured that Christ will return to judge the living and the dead, and he will establish a new heaven and a new earth. Christ is victorious over all those who oppose His gospel.