I've Seen More Christians Fall From This Than Anything Else
It's a bigger issue now than ever before in my lifetime. We live in an upside down and rebellious culture and this is seen nowhere more clearly than our attitudes toward sex, marriage, dating, gender and purity. Dr. Sean McDowell has just written a book that is meant to give people a biblical vision for loving God and loving others in these areas. And if that seems like a cliche to you then it's because you too have become victim to upside down thinking on these issues. As a youth pastor I discovered that the most common reason people have for serious moral failure in their lives is a lack of godliness in relationships, particularly romantic ones. I'm happy to host Sean as we talk about this issue. Maybe you should get this book, for yourself or for someone else who can be saved a lot of pain and rebellion by getting their heads and hearts right on loving God in sexual purity.
Sean's book, available December 1st or for preorder now. "Chasing Love" https://amzn.to/3f81xQM (affiliate link)
Sean's video on Transgender Identities (really good content here)
My website https://BibleThinker.org