It's Contagious by Pastor Keion Henderson
Hey everyone, Welcome to the "The Lighthouse Church of Houston" YouTube channel. We are very pleased to invite you to watch this uplifting and motivational sermon “It's Contagious” by Pastor Keion Henderson of The Lighthouse Church. Come and join us!
It is genuine Christianity which turned the world upside down and it is genuine Christ-like love that transforms lives. Genuine passion is contagious and convincing. You will look hard to find any preaching in the Bible that does not contain expressions of passion. If you'd like to know more about Lighthouse Church please visit us at
@lhhoustonchurch | @pastorkeion
The Mission: The LightHouse Church is committed to equipping people throughout the world: helping them realize their full potential in spite of the fatigue that life presents.
The Vision: The LightHouse Church takes responsibility for creating a better tomorrow than today by assisting in the continual improvement of the world in which we operate through spiritual application and human stewardship.
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