Israel's Mission Small Group Bible Study by Ray Vander Laan - Promo
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Israel's Mission Small Group Bible Study by Ray Vander Laan
God gave an assignment to His people thousands of years ago: Bring “lost sheep” back into the love and safety of His kingdom. It’s still our task today. In this 13th volume of That the World May Know®, you’ll glimpse the urgency and rewards of welcoming the strangers and prodigals the Lord longs to embrace. Discover the mission that can give your life—and the lives of those around you—greater meaning than you ever imagined.
Join renowned teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan as he guides you through the land of the Bible. In each lesson, Vander Laan illuminates the historical, geographical and cultural context of the sacred Scriptures. Filmed on location in the Middle East and elsewhere, the That the World May Know® film series will transform your understanding of God and challenge you to be a true follower of Jesus.
Session Titles:
1. Abraham and Sarah and Three Strangers (Negev, Israel)
2. Israel at Sinai: The First Great Commission (Timnah, Israel)
3. Jesus Renews the Mission: Seeking the Lost (Qatzrin, Israel)
4. The Lost Son: In a Far Country (Jerash, Jordan)
5. The Seeking Father: The Lost Son Returns (Qatzrin, Israel)
RAY VANDER LAAN is the founder of That the World May Know Ministries and creator of the That the World May Know® video series with Focus on the Family. An ordained minister, he holds the chair of biblical cultural studies as a religion instructor at Holland Christian Schools in Holland, Michigan. He and his wife, Esther, have
four children and 16 grandchildren.