Israel: Past, Present & Future, Pt 5 - Israel: Glimpses of the Future 2 - Derek Prince
The name Israel occurs about 2,600 times in the Bible. In this comprehensive series, Derek Prince paints a clear picture of God's dealings with Israel—and instruction on how to pray for Israel.
Bible Teaching Resources:
Table of Contents:
II. Future Events (cont’d.)
D. Final attack on Jerusalem (Zech. 12:1–9)
1. All surrounding peoples = Arabs (Zech. 12:2)
2. Supernatural delusion = Drunkenness or drugs
3. All the nations = e.g. United Nations (Zech. 12:3)
4. Horses and riders maddened—not mechanized (Zech. 12:4)
5. God intervenes to defend Israel and destroy attacking nations—description
follows in chapter 14 (Zech. 12:4–9)
E. Supernatural revelation of Messiah (Zech. 12:10–14)
1. Holy Spirit reveals pierced Messiah (Zech. 12:10)
2. Followed by nationwide shivah (Zech. 12:11–14)
F. Cleansing of the land (Zech. 13:1–5)
The land purged in one day of idolatry, occult, and false prophets
G. The wounded shepherd (Zech. 13:6–9)
1. Messiah and His friends (Zech. 13:6)
2. Shepherd smitten, sheep scattered (Zech. 13:7)—fulfilled Matt. 26:31, 56
3. The man who is God’s companion (Zech. 13:7; 6:12–13)
4. Two-thirds cut off—in 70 AD (Zech. 13:8)
5. One-third through purging to reconciliation (Zech. 13:9 [Is. 48:9–11])
H. Consummation of the battle (Zech. 14:1–15)
1. Inhabitants of Jerusalem on brink of final, irretrievable disaster—
consummation of anti-Semitism (Zech. 14:1–2)
2. God waits for total desperation (Is. 30:18–19 [compare Jer. 30:5–7])
3. God intervenes directly and in person (Zech. 14:3 [compare Is. 31:4–5])
4. Christ returns to Mt. of Olives (Zech. 14:4–5 [compare Matt. 26:63–64; Acts
a. With all His saints
b. Mt. of Olives split by earthquake
5. Jerusalem becomes source of living water (Zech. 14:8 [compare Ezek. 47:1–
6. Christ’s kingdom established over whole earth (Zech. 14:9)—fulfillment of
Matt. 6:10
7. Geologic upheaval leaves Jerusalem on highest mountain—and finally secure
(Zech. 14:10–11 [compare Is. 2:2])
8. Supernatural plague on Gentile attackers and their animals (Zech. 14:12–15
[compare Zech. 12:4]) Jews gather the spoil
III. Compare And Contrast Ezekiel Chapters 38 & 39
A. Not the same as Zech. 12–14, because:
1. Jerusalem not the focus or scene of battle
2. Israel at peace and secure
3. Attackers not all nations, but a coalition of nations from the north
4. Attackers destroyed by storm of hail and an earthquake—not personal
intervention of Christ
Additional points:
5. Seven months to bury
6. Weapons provide fuel for seven years—apparently excluding electricity or use
of oil
Points of similarity:
7. Animals—not mechanized warfare
B. Not the situation described in Rev. 20:7–10, because:
1. Rev. 20 focuses on Jerusalem
2. Jerusalem is the “camp of the saints”
3. Attackers destroyed by fire from heaven
4. Immediately followed by banishment of Satan and final judgment on all the
remaining dead
Possible explanation: In early stages of Christ’s kingdom on earth — one further
outburst of anti-Semitism — from nations where it has historically been the strongest:
Eastern Europe, CIS, some Islamic states.
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