Is the Trinity in the Bible?
The doctrine of the triune God must be known to be biblical and shown to be biblical. We cannot settle for claiming the doctrine merely harmonizes in some way with other biblical themes.
Christians have always claimed they got the doctrine of the Trinity from the Bible itself.
While acknowledging they had rendered the doctrine more explicit, and also admitting they had manufactured a set of extra-biblical terms to help them articulate it with greater clarity and conciseness, they insisted the reason they believed in the Trinity is that they found it in Scripture.
In some periods of theological history, it may have seemed that most of the work to be done was the work of elaborating the metaphysical implications of the revealed doctrine, or of illustrating the principles involved, or of extending the analogical footholds for the belief.
But in our own time, it has become crucial for Trinitarian theology to demonstrate as directly as possible that it is biblical.
Now is not the time for these softer demonstrations and more allusive performances. In cultures marked by faith and docility toward the church’s teaching, it may have been possible to rest the burden of proof on the church’s tradition.
But tradition was always a temporary resting station, a placeholder for revelation and the authority of Scripture. In contemporary intellectual culture, the full evidential weight of Christian faith in the triune God must fall on Scripture.
If the doctrine is to thrive and serve its proper function in the Christian doctrinal ecosphere, it must be on the basis of Scripture.
Learn more about the doctrine of the Trinity: