Intentional Worship | Beginning at the End (Part 6) | Pastor PJ Berner
Intentional Worship | Beginning at the End (Part 6) | Pastor PJ Berner
1. “Guard your steps” What are some ways in this unique time that we’re facing that you can still be intentional about worshiping the Lord?
A. How have you worshipped him this last week during this quarantine?
B. As a group, spend some time identifying and talking about some of God’s attributes that are worthy of our worship and how they can even comfort us right now as we think on them. (Part of worship is dwelling on these attributes and letting them control/dictate our thought lives and anxiety.)
2. Consider your relationship with God. Why is it important to hear before you are heard?
A. What are some ways you respond to “hearing” the Lord through reading the Bible?
B. Sometimes making sure we hear the Lord before we are heard by him will change the requests we were going to make. Can you think of a time that has ever happened to you and share it if you are willing?
3. What does your prayer-life look like right now?
A. What are some ways you want to improve in this area? How are you going to accomplish those?
B. Partner up with someone in your group to hold each other accountable to praying God-glorifying prayers this week. Agree to share your prayers with each other and to meet at least once this week (virtually) to pray together.
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