Instagram Reels Video Tutorial: How to Use Reels on Instagram
The new feature Instagram Reels are here! So how do you use Reels on Instagram? I'll teach you step-by-step in this Instagram reels video tutorial. Instagram Reels is a new Instagram feature that is taking over Instagram! In this Instagram Reels video tutorial, we will go over what is Instagram reels feature, how to use reels on Instagram, Instagram vs tik tok, how to edit Instagram reels, how to add Instagram reels to your story, how you can use it for your business and MUCH MORE! See below for each step in the reel tutorial written out for you!
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How to Use Reels Feature on Instagram:
1. Tap your profile picture like you are making an IG story
2. At the bottom, there will be an option that says “reels” swipe to that option.
3. On the left side, you will see options for features:
If you want to do something over the music.
If you tap the music note, IG will automatically come up with music suggestions for you
You can also browse for a specific mood, artist, or song!
Choose what part of the song you want to use for your video.
You can make your video fast or slow motion, or normal speed!
Up to 5 times slower or 3x faster
Use the filters with your video! Just like you do on stories
Use any of your saved effects or scroll to the end to browse new effects
Choose how long you want the video to be
Once you choose all of your settings, hit record!
You will see a three-second countdown
It will record for whatever duration you set it to
You can zoom by sliding your thumb up and down
4. Review your first clip
Tap the back arrow to see how your first video looked
Leave it as is, trim the video, or delete it if you don’t like it!
Just like your IG stories, you can add text, stickers, and draw on your video.
When you add a text, you can also choose how long you want it to be on the screen.
*** Note! You can ONLY edit or delete your latest clip, so make sure you are good with your clip before moving on to the next one.
5. Now, repeat the process until you have finished your full video!
Remember, it’s only 15 seconds max.
6. Once you are happy with the video, tap the right arrow and it will take you to the captions.
7. Tap on the cover to change it.
8. Share to your stories by sliding over to stories
Select “also share to feed”
9. You can find your reel on the “reel” tab in your profile!
10. You did it!
***GEAR I USE***
Blue Yeti Microphone
Cheap Selfie Light
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