Immigration and the Bible
In this episode, Dr. Darrell Bock and Dr. Daniel Carroll-Rodas discuss a biblical view of immigration, focusing on how biblical texts should inform our engagement in the immigration discussion.
00:16 Dr. Carroll-Rodas discusses Christians at the Border
02:40 What makes the immigration discussion distinctly Christian?
05:24 The treatment of the foreigner in the Old Testament
09:00 Distinguishing legal and illegal aliens is a foreign concept to the Old Testament
11:44 Gospel texts and immigration
14:24 Romans 13 and immigration
17:23 Living Christianly according to the whole biblical message
21:40 The evolution of American immigration laws
26:02 The insufficient state of current immigration laws
29:42 How undocumented immigrants who enter the country legally adds to the conversation
32:45 The current status of immigration reform
37:50 Integrating biblical principles into immigration reform
42:27 Why is the immigration issue so deeply emotional?