I Can Hear God's Voice | Tune In Wk 1
Join Regi, Tilly, and Buttons as they learn that because we are God's loved kids, we can hear His voice. God is always talking to us!
Check out the Activity Guide: https://resources.valleycreek.org/wp-content/uploads/20200712-I_Can_Hear_Gods_Voice-Activity_Guide.pdf
Join the VCC Kids Parent Facebook Group: http://facebook.com/groups/vcckidsparents
Listen to VCC Kids Worship and check out our playlists on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/cqgkuf65p1g6uhve5r9i91fzh
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Website: https://valleycreek.org
Facebook: https://facebook.com/vccfamily
Twitter: https://twitter.com/valleycreek
Instagram: https://instagram.com/valleycreek
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