How to Share Your Faith & Face Your Friends Without Fear with Greg Koukl – How do you engage with others about God without fear? Apologetics expert, Greg Koukl, says in the past 10 years, there has been a shift in our culture that has made it more difficult for believers to be courageous in sharing their faith. He discusses three specific things you need if you’re going to be faithful in today’s environment. You’ll learn practical tactics, maneuvers, and arguments that will help give you the confidence to face cultural challenges and stand firm in biblical truth.
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To learn more about defending your faith, we recommend these sites:
Always Be Ready (ABR) - Christian Apologetics
Defending Your Faith | Ignite Your Faith - Christianity Today
Christian Answers to Teen Questions about Faith, Life, Sex, Dating, Relationships, Fun.
Defending the Faith | Focus on the Family
(Biblical truth) (Cultural challenges) (confidence in sharing your faith) (friends) (fear) (greg koukl) (Apologetics) (Saddleback Church) (Greg Koukl) (Stand to Reason) (Defend Your Faith) (apologetics) (Stand to Reason)