How to Prepare Your Heart - Week 1, Day 4 - The Gospel Truth
Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth
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In this series: How to Prepare Your Heart, Andrew teaches that true believers don't plan to depart from the Lord - they just fail to prepare their hearts before temptation comes suddenly upon them. Be prepared for the storms of life by learning how David prepared his heart in advance for adversity. The Lord gives us a promise in Psalm 10:17 that He will prepare the hearts of the humble. Therefore, humility is a key principle in preparing our hearts, and this teaching presents it in a most unusual way. Other key principles include renewing our minds, choosing what to think about ourselves, and using our God-given memory system to think on the right things. Learn what the Bible says about setting our affections and how to do it.
Andrew Wommack Ministries