How To Pivot in Business with Erin Sanderson
If you want to pivot in business, get going today with my online business starter kit:
You may be wondering how to pivot in business during the pandemic, but pivots in business happen all the time and it doesn't have to be scary. Sometimes we have a huge passion for one thing and create a business and then go into another season and need to make a pivot. Pivots in business can be great and so powerful! Whether you are having to make a shift because of the current pandemic or because God has planted a new direction in your heart, I encourage you to frame it in a positive way. On the other side of a business pivot is a brilliant and beautiful new story!
Hit The Highlights
[5:40] Knowing when to pivot
[10:50] Planting the pivot seeds
[16:10] Handling pivots on social media
[18:50] Corona Girl Talk
[20:40] Things to consider when you are pivoting
[22:35] Making your pivot RELEVANT
[26:15] Seasons change
Rapid Fire Questions
Favorite book: The Noticer
Favorite TV show: Blacklist
Favorite room in the home: Living Room
Favorite Vaca spot: Hawaii
Define Freedom: "Knowing that I'm in my purpose, whether I like the season or not. Freedom is knowing I'm in my purpose because that's where I know I am taken care of and I can let go and not try to white knuckle."
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