How To Eliminate Worry | Steven Furtick
My peace isn’t dictated by my problems.
In “How To Eliminate Worry,” Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church teaches that the resources we need are already available to us — and they're found in God’s hands.
This is an excerpt from “Reverse Your Worry.” To watch the full message, click here:
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Section Titles:
0:00 - Worship Is Worry In Reverse
1:32 - We're Constantly Being Fed Fear
3:32 - Seeing Beyond Your Problems
5:42 - God Cares For You (Matthew 6, verse 33)
8:07 - Do You Have A Lack of Peace? (Matthew 6, verse 33)
9:48 - Stop Leaving Your Peace Behind
11:54 - I Want My Peace Back!
14:00 - God, Help Me Start My Day Right
How To Eliminate Worry | Steven Furtick