How Much Do You Know About the Old Testament?
How much do you know about the Old Testament? It’s the question Brent Strawn, Emory University professor of Old Testament, is asking in his new book, "The Old Testament is Dying: A Diagnosis and Recommended Treatment.”
Analyzing 879 sermons published in a collection called “Best Sermons,” he discovered only 21 percent were sermons from the Old Testament, down from years previous. In a 2010 Pew Forum survey, just 55 percent of Americans knew the “Golden Rule” wasn’t one of the Ten Commandments!
Marc Brettler, professor of Judaic studies at Duke University, disagrees with Strawn’s hypothesis.He maintains, “there’s not enough data to prove Bible knowledge is dying." He says it reminds him of Mark Twain’s famous quote:“Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated."
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