Holy Is Your Name (feat. Matthew Harris) | Live at Gateway Church | Gateway Worship
"Holy Is Your Name" recorded live at Gateway Church
Worship Leader: Matthew Harris
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#HolyIsYourName #GatewayWorship #Worship
I see an open heaven
The King of glory on His throne
The elders bow at His feet in worship
Singing holy, holy, holy is the Lord
I hear the song of heaven
A mighty wind coming through
Breathing life into the broken
Singing holy, holy, holy is the Lord
Singing holy, holy, holy is the Lord
You are worthy, worthy to be praised
All glory and honor to Your Name
You are worthy, worthy to be praised
I sing holy, holy, holy is Your Name
I sing holy, holy, holy is Your Name
I lay my crown before You
Humbled by Your majesty
Let my song of praise adorn You
Singing holy, holy, holy is the Lord
Singing holy, holy, holy is the Lord
Holy, holy, God almighty
Who was, and is, and is to come
Holy, holy, Christ almighty,
The King of kings is on His throne
Holy, holy, God almighty
Who was, and is, and is to come
Holy, holy, Christ almighty
The King of kings is on His throne
Songwriters: Matthew Harris, Andrew Nicolette, Patrick Smith
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