He is my hope for a brighter future / Rap artist VESHONE CUNNINGHAM
Veshone looked like he was living a life other guys would be jealous of. He was popular, athletic, strong, liked by teachers, talented in dancing and rapping, but no matter the accolades, everything left him feeling very empty. Towards the end of summer 2009, Veshone attended an overnight camp called Scott Mission, and that’s where everything changed. Veshone had an encounter with God. Today Veshone says "Jesus is my “I AM THAT I AM”. If I am weak is he my strength. Where I am broken He is my Healer. If I am lonely He is my friend. He is my hope in despair. He is the lover of my life. He is my comforter. He is my hope for a brighter future and my source of approval and acceptance. He is everything to me."