Have My Heart | Willow Worship @Willow Creek Wheaton
Listen as Willow Worship Pastor Veronica sheds light on how we can share our heart with God, even if we're at a loss for words. Sometimes when we come before the Lord, we don't have the perfect words; all we have are feelings we don't know how to express--feelings of jubilant happiness, enormous gratitude, or broken hurt. @Willow Creek Wheaton
"Have My Heart" - Brandon Lake | Chandler Moore | Steven Furtick | Tiffany Hudson
(based on the recording by Maverick City Music, feat. Chandler Moore)
© 2020 Chandler Moore Designee | Music by Elevation Worship Publishing | Maverick City Publishing Worldwide | Bethel Music Publishing
CCLI# 4380
Our Mission:
Love God. Love People. Change the World.
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