HSM Student Leadership
You may have heard people call high school students "the next generation" or "the future of the church" but we want you to know that you are an essential part of the body of Christ right now! Whether you are 14 or 40, if you are a believer in Christ, you have been called to serve God and other people. We believe that this life of servitude God has called all of us into is characterized by selflessness, love, and humility. Student Leadership is a program through which we want to equip and empower students who feel called to lead other individuals with a Christ-like attitude. We want to train, develop, and disciple student leaders so that they are equipped to better serve their church, schools, and communities. We want HSM to be a place where students are encouraged to not only cast a vision, but execute it as well, knowing that they are empowered by the Holy Spirit and supported by those around them.
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