Growing Older Gracefully (2010) | Trailer | Fred Smith | Ken Curtis
Watch Growing Older Gracefully: Practical Perspectives From One on the Journey Trailer on Vision Video
Start early enough to prepare for it and growing older can be full of satisfaction and new joys. Fred Smith in this engaging video conversation shows how with easy to grasp, practical steps and outlooks that can make a big difference for you.
Growing older is part of the dues we all inevitably pay for the privilege of continuing as a guest on this earth. For some it represents a dreaded burden. But it doesn't have to be. Start early enough to prepare for it and growing older can be full of satisfaction and new joys. In this engaging video conversation, the late Fred Smith shows how this can be accomplished with easy-to-grasp, practical steps and outlooks that can make a big difference for you. Here is experience you will treasure. It could even add years to your life. For those getting close to their senior years, Fred's guidance can help make every year fuller and fruitful. Most of it has to do with how you look at things. Fred Smith was an experienced business executive, nationally acclaimed speaker, senior editor of Leadership Journal, noted mentor of many young leaders, author, and a fun guy to be around. It can make all the difference. No, you are not who you used to be. But Fred helps us to see who we might become! Fred Smith was an experienced business executive, nationally acclaimed speaker, senior editor of Leadership Journal, noted mentor of many young leaders, author, and a fun guy to be around.
Starring: Fred Smith, Ken Curtis