God’s Mindset — Mindsets — DawnCheré Wilkerson
What do you believe about God? Sometimes we can struggle with believing who God is. In this sermon Pastor, Dawncheré Wilkerson teaches us about how God is all-knowing, wise, and truthful, and how we can rely on and put our lives in Him.
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Section Titles:
00:00 Intro
01:38 Isaiah 55.8-9
02:15 God’s Mindset
10:03 God is All Knowing
10:24 Psalm 139.1-4
16:00 1 John 1.5-10
19:47 God is Wise
20:03 Romans 15.27
20:13 Job 12.13
26:55 1 Corinthians 1.24, 1.30
28:42 Romans 8.28
29:43 James 1.5-8
33:23 God is Truthful
40:02 Psalm 139.17
40:44 Proverbs 12.22