God's Delight in Saving Us | Beth Moore | He Rescued Me - Part 1 of 4
Do you ever wonder if God truly delights in you? Beth unpacks the beauty of Psalm 18 and reminds us that it is His joy to rescue us. He doesnt just tolerate you, He delights in you. Not only does God speak through His Word, but He also invites us to see Him through His creation and to use our imaginations in a way that transforms us.
"In our wildest imaginations, we can't conceive just how wonderful He is and what He has planned for us." -Beth Moore
Key Scriptures: Psalm 18:1-6, 16-19; Romans 10:17; Matthew 17:1-13
Beth taught this message at a Living Proof Live event. We would love to have you join us at an upcoming Living Proof Live event. Beth always brings a fresh word. Check the events page on our website for dates and locations(https://www.lproof.org/events).
Living Proof Ministries is dedicated to encouraging people to come to know and love Jesus Christ through the study of Scripture.
"For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any two-edged sword." –Hebrews 4:12
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