God is going to transform us #Shorts
A lot of things have happened to change the course of nations and peoples, and the destiny of humanity, but nothing has been as significant as the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Jesus’ death and Resurrection has certainly changed the destiny of our person after death. The apostle Paul told the Philippian church: “Our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body” (Philippians 3:20–21, NIV84®).
Folks, we’re going to get a new earth suit—literally. If we translate that last phrase where it says, “our lowly bodies,” it literally says, “our body of humiliation.” Now, there is a point along your journey through time when your body becomes a humbling thing—no matter what your age is, that's true. You can eat the most lavish meal, or you can eat Spam on a cracker, and your body is going to process those two meals the same way. There is something in that that should humble us, no matter our sophistication, or our educational advancement, or how delicate our palette may be. But there is a hope beyond the suffering and humiliation of time because of Jesus’ resurrection. His Resurrection matters.
Allen Jackson Ministries is the media ministry of World Outreach Church, an inter-denominational congregation located near Nashville, Tennessee. Our mission is to help people become more fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Pastor Allen Jackson has served as senior pastor of the church since 1989, and his biblical messages are broadcast to millions of people each day through radio, television, and the internet.
Learn more about Allen Jackson Ministries: https://allenjackson.com/
Learn more about World Outreach Church: https://wochurch.org/
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