God Speaks
How does God speak today? The only way to hear the voice of God is by reading his word. As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones proclaims from Acts 7:37–38 in the sermon “God Speaks,” the Scriptures were recorded by mere humans, inspired by God, and grouped into what is known today as the Bible. Yet in Old Testament times, God spoke to His people. This is seen all throughout Israel’s history, beginning with God’s call to Abraham to come out of the pagan land of his fathers and to travel to the land that God promised would belong to his descendants. In the life of Moses, God spoke through him to lead His people out of bondage in Egypt. These men received oracles from God to deliver to His people. This is how God is known. It is through His revelation that He tells His plan of salvation and of the coming of Christ. This word is powerful and is the means by which one comes to know the gospel. It is not like the words of people that fail and falter, but it is the word of the living God. This is the foundation on which the church stands, and it is this word that the church is to proclaim. It is not to come up with clever ideas and stories, but it is to tell the world what God has said in his holy word.