Girl Talk with Cathe Laurie - Week 5
Join us for worship and a special episode of Girl Talk with Cathe Laurie, Brittany Farrington, Zenovia Bernier, Sue Mills, Christi Robillard, and Melanie Brown.
Sermon Notes:
In this time of isolation, we have all come to realize how much we took personal connection for granted, in the end, we need people, we need each other. We need to appreciate one another, it's easy to get so busy that we don’t realize how loneliness cant sneaks upon us.
Taking inventory we can look at our lives and realize what is really important and what we should be focused on.
When we go through trials and tribulations we really learn how to fully lean on God, as he shows us who he REALLY is. He loves us and will be with us.
God is your healer
God is your provider
God is your guide
Deuteronomy 31:9-13
Deuteronomy 32
Deuteronomy 34