Girl Talk with Cathe Laurie - Week 4
Join us for a special episode of Girl Talk with Cathe Laurie, Melanie Brown, Brittni Laurie.
Sermon Notes:
We are in communication with the God of the universe! We don't know what is coming next, and we need to make our time meaningful so that when we look back at this time and realize that we leveraged it for the good!
We often feel like we can control our lives, our lives are orderly and we make the choices that set our lives upon a path, that feels like our choosing. However, we must remember that we DON'T have control over our lives, are we ever really ever in control? We must remember that God is at the control center of the universe.
God is wiser than us
Praying back the attributes of God!
Allow him to work in your life
Ecclesiastes 11:5