Follow Messiah Ep 4 - The Holy Spirit of God #1 - "The Spirit in Scripture"
For the full episodes and more resources go to! In the last episode we spoke on how God interacts with us through different, but specific manifestations. In this episode we'll introduce you to His Spirit and the fellowship of Messiah, why we need them, and God’s design to help us. The standard that Yeshua set is actually higher than the Torah, and in our own strength, it’s impossible for us to live it out. The Holy Spirit is here to help us follow God and empowers us to overcome sin and shine the Light of God to the world.
Follow Messiah is a new foundations series with a focus on the jewish roots of our faith and what it means to follow Yeshua.
Follow Messiah is a collaboration between One for Israel, King of Kings, and Chosen People Ministries.