Follow Me
The Christian life is one of constant movement away from sin and toward holiness. As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains in his sermon from Acts 7:1–8 titled “Follow Me,” the Christian life is fundamentally God-centered. It requires the abandonment all other things for the sake of the gospel and Christ. Abraham exemplified this God-centered life when he left kindred and country to go to a foreign land to serve and worship God. In this way Abraham is the great example that is given in the New Testament, and he is appealed to by the writers of the New Testament to show that service to God is not something that comes with the advent of Christ. Abraham and all those that believed in the Old Testament were trusting in the promises of Christ. It is by trusting in Christ that they were counted righteous before God. Furthermore, many of them were persecuted and suffered for their faith as martyrs, as did many suffer in the New Testament and even in modern times. This should serve as an encouragement to Christians in all times because they stand in a long line of faithful and Godly believers who were willing to forsake this world and to suffer as Christians for Christ. Christians should see and rejoice in the God who calls and loves His people, and who has sent His Son to die in their place so that they may live.