Finish Strong - Bishop T.D. Jakes
Your life has been set on a specific course by God to ensure that His
desired purpose comes to fruition. Not only are you governed by God's
plan, you are a significant part of it! Bishop T.D. Jakes delivers this powerful
series of purpose-driven messages to encourage you during times of
uncertainty or transition to help push you towards the finish line.
Through these timely teachings, you will learn...
• Opportunities may be knocking during chaotic times
• Your perception determines your opposition AND your opportunities
• Stay on track with God's plan to win any battles in your life
• God's favor on your life is manifested in the little things as well as the great
Featured Messages: Stay On Track • Opportunity In Chaos • Sit On Me
Add these practical lessons to your inspirational library and marvel at
how your life can change when you apply the wisdom found in these
messages. Don't give up now... You're almost there. Finish Strong!