Finale (Dona nobis pacem), Mass of the Children - John Rutter, City of London Sinfonia
5. ‘Finale (Dona nobis pacem)' from 'Mass of the Children, and other sacred music' by John Rutter.
Composer John Rutter
Conductor John Rutter
Soloist (Soprano) Joanne Lunn
Soloist (Baritone) Roderick Williams
Choir Cantate Youth Choir
Orchestra City of London Sinfonia
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Baritone soloist:
Lord, open thou mine eyes that I may see thee;
Lord, open thou my lips that I may praise thee;
Lord, open thou my heart that I may love thee,
Serve thee with joy, fear none above thee.
Christ be my sword and shield, my strong defender;
Christ be my light and my Redeemer.
Lord, be with me this day in each endeavour;
Lord, keep my soul with thee now and for ever.
(based on a prayer of Lancelot Andrewes, 1555–1626)
Dona nobis pacem.
Soprano soloist:
Christ, be my guide today, my guide tomorrow;
Christ in my days of joy, my days of sorrow;
Christ in the silent hours when I lie sleeping,
Safe in his holy angels’ keeping.
Christ be within the hearts of all who love me;
Christ all around, and Christ above me.
Christ in my thought and prayer and my confessing;
Christ, when I go to rest, grant me your blessing.
(based on St Patrick’s Breastplate, a 5th-century prayer)
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.
Children (at the same time):
Glory to thee, my God, this night
For all the blessings of the light;
Keep me, O keep me, King of kings,
Beneath thy own almighty wings.
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow,
Praise him, all creatures here below,
Praise him above, ye heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
(Thomas Ken)
Dona nobis pacem
Mass of the Children
Rutter's Mass of the Children was written in response to a desire to compose a work that would bring children and adults together, in the same way that performances of Britten's War Requiem had done for him when a school chorister. In five movements, the work has rapidly been taken up by choirs the world over. Also on the album are several previously unrecorded anthems and motets.
John Rutter, English composer and conductor, is associated with choral music throughout the world. His recordings with the Cambridge Singers (the professional chamber choir he set up in 1983) have reached a wide global audience, many of them featuring his own music in definitive versions. Among John’s best-known choral works are Gloria, Requiem, Magnificat, Mass of the Children, and Visions, together with many church anthems, choral songs and Christmas carols.